Sunday, September 4, 2016

First Day of Kindergarten

Emma has started kindergarten, and she is in heaven. She loves every minute of it. She told me when unpicked her up on her first day that it was better than the best day ever. She is so big and so independent. I really do 't worry too much about her because I know she will have to trouble asking for help if she needs it. 


Baby Sophie

I went to visit my dear friend Becca and her new baby Sophie a couple of weeks ago. Sophie is in the NICU right now since she was born about 7 weeks early. She is so tiny and adorable! I loved getting to snuggle her and visiting with Becca. 


Just another Sunday

Tomorrow is Labor Day, so we are taking advantage of the day off and celebrating Brayden's birthday a few days early with grandma and grandpa. I made the cake for the party today. Brayden is currently obsessed with the tv show Paw Patrol, and he really wanted a Paw Patrol cake. I usually do the cake pans for birthdays, but I could 't find a Paw Patrol cake pan, so I made something up. He loves it.

We went on a family walk/bike ride this afternoon to enjoy the cool weather. Brayden got his new bike a little early. He does so great on his balance bikes. It's amazing how fast he has learned balance. He can hold his feet up while going down hills and steer just fine. He probably won't ever need training wheels. The bike is blue, too, because his favorite color is blue. Everything has to be blue.