Friday, March 29, 2013

Rough Week

This past week has just been one of those weeks.  It's felt very long with some trauma and sickness thrown in for fun.

This past weekend we went to a cabin with my family at a state park.  We had a great time being together and playing games, and the girls loved seeing their grandparents and aunts and uncle, and still adore cousin Abby.  On Saturday night, the girls were jumping around on a mattress on the floor, and Emma fell into a windowsill and hit mouth first.  There was lots of blood and trying to figure out exactly what was hurt/broken, and at some point Emma stuck her finger in her mouth, and suddenly her front tooth was gone.  Thank goodness for my parents being there, because I was about ready to seriously have a freak out moment.  My Mom called her brother who is a dentist, and he basically said there wasn't a whole lot we could do, just get the bleeding under control, and most likely her permanent teeth would be just fine.  It was a rough night, Emma was obviously in pain, but after a blessing she slept through the night and was almost back to her normal self the next morning.  It took a few days for David and I to get over the trauma of seeing Emma go through that, but she is doing really well now. 

I took her into the dentist yesterday just to make sure there wasn't anything we needed to worry about, and he told us pretty much what we already knew.  He did mention that her tooth next to the one she lost seemed a little loose, so it might discolor eventually.  It's so sad to see her adorable little smile without a front tooth now, but she is just the same little ball of energy and sweetheart as before, I just adore her.

Still trying to figure out why Emma thinks "smile!" means "squint your eyes at the camera".

After the excitement of the weekend, we were looking forward to having a quiet week to recover.  Unfortunately on Sunday night, Emma woke in the middle of the night with a viscous stomach bug.  She threw up constantly for about 7 hours.  It was the first bug she's ever had, so at first we thought it might be just a result of the trauma.  However, on Tuesday, when Molly came home from school, she and I both started throwing up as well.  Again, it lasted for about 7 hours, but it was a horrible 7 hours.  David has so far been spared, and we're just praying it stays that way.

Here's to hoping next week has a little less excitement!

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