Friday, August 8, 2014

Summer Randoms

This summer we've kept fairly busy, especially compared to last summer, when it wasn't very often that we left the house. Here are some of the random things we've been up to:

The girls had swim lessons for a couple of weeks.  Always a highlight of the summer.

This is where you could usually find Brayden during those:


We've gone to lots of parks.

Brayden has learned the art of sliding.  He loves slides!  He can turn himself around and go down on his tummy, with a little help go down on his bum, and then loves to try and climb back up.

Emma got glasses. 

 Molly got a haircut, then glasses.

 We've gotten wet in the backyard.  Brayden was having fun in the sprinkler until he got sprayed in the face, then he was pretty content just to hang out in the shade on the porch.

We've made weekly, sometimes more, trips to the library.  Both girls finished reading programs from two different libraries this summer.  Molly has read over 150 chapter books, usually 2 or 3 day.  Brayden's favorite thing to do at the library is crawl through the bookshelves.

My friend Becca visited from Ames for a couple of days, and her husband ran the local Bix race, so I got to observe that with her.  Always love when we get to hang out (and go shopping)!  I like to believe that our boys will be best buds as they grow up, even if they don't get to see each other too often.

We went to a local water ski show.  That was pretty amazing.

Even Brayden was pretty chill and captivated for the most part.  The girls enjoyed throwing rocks in the river during the down times of the show.

Then last night, but friend's husband got some free tickets at work to a barge party across the river.  We really weren't sure what that was all about, but she invited me to come along with her.  We figured out they were promoting/celebrating the work some company does is cleaning up the river. We got some yummy food, toured a barge, listened to some live music, and got to see lots of cool things up for auction.

And amidst the fun, we've still had plenty of opportunity for chilling out at home, practicing piano and doing workbooks, and enjoying (or trying to survive) our time together.

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