Thursday, September 19, 2013

1 week down...18 years to go

I've been home with Brayden for a week now.  We are so in love with our little guy.  He continues to be well natured for the most part.  He loves to be held and cuddled, and doesn't enjoy his swing and bouncer too much unless he's sleeping in them.  He does well sleeping at night.  He goes about 3-4 hours between feedings, and only occasionally decides he wants to stay awake for awhile. 

Emma loves her little brother.  She always calls him "Baby Brayden." She gets really concerned any time he makes a little peep and runs to get his binky, asking "what's wrong with baby Brayden?" 

We went for our first walk as a family of 5 the other night.  I broke out the Moby for Brayden, and he loved it.  He was asleep in 30 seconds.  I enjoyed being able to walk farther than 10 yards without severe pelvic and hip pain.


1 comment:

  1. I'm happy to hear it's going well for you guys! You look great by the way for just having a baby!!!!
